For those of you who are interested, I'm planning on starting apologetics meetings again. This time, they'll be monthly, instead of semi-weekly, they'll be geared not only to answering questions, but to equipping you with the ability to actively search for answers, and we may have a rotation on locations.
I'm hoping for a group that's ready to delve into some serious study and some deeper questions. I not only want to teach others, but also to be taught. I believe that the Bible holds layers upon layers of mystery and intrigue that's just waiting to be uncovered. Apologetics should be an active study, without limitation, without curricular boundaries, and without end. I want each person to not only contribute in the meeting, but to study and hypothesize during the month. With thirty or so days between studies, I think that each individual should have ample time to gleam some truth, or root out some confusing excerpt, or dissect a complicated set of scriptures.
Apologetics is sorely missed by yours truly. I'm excited to get it going again. Perhaps I can document some of our findings here on the sadly neglected Blessed X.