Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Do Christianity and the Public School System Mesh?


Idhrendur said...

Depends. Largely on the individual school district or school, even more on the individual teachers. There are some Christian teachers out there doing a lot to influence kids for the better.

Though the social systems outside of class are pretty messed up. That's why I'm so pleased at the maturity of all my High School aged friends.

Darla said...

No, they don't mesh. Teachers are told what they can and cannot teach and unless there are teachers out there that are true to their Christian belief, Christianity is unheard/unspoken of. I know some teachers that are very determined to reach out to students with various ways of delivering lessons so that God is a factor. They have to be cleaver but the teachers I know are cleaver. God bless them for being in a job that wants nothing more to do with God.

Idhrendur said...

True, there are those stupid requirements...of course, once a student brings it up, the teacher has free reign. That is a useful fact for Christian students in public school to know.