Let your mind think on God as often as you can. Put Him first in your life and you’ll speak about Him more naturally.
Many people love to bring up the hypocrisy in the church. Tell them not to let a hypocrite stand between them and God. And people aren’t perfect, that includes Christians.
People like to argue for intellectual reasons. 99 out of 100 people have some other reason for refusing Jesus. The intellectual argument is only a curtain hiding deeper issues. Accountability is the problem.
Some people have the idea that they’re too bad off and there’s no saving them. This person has the right idea, because there is nothing they can do to save themselves, but at this point, they may be open to receive the gospel of grace.
Always keep yourself sharpened and ready to go to work at any moment.
Inspiration is that we all die. The time could be very soon. Don’t just stand by and allow that person to continue without the knowledge of salvation. This is a knowledge that you can provide them.
Do they have assurance of where they’ll be going? If they seem to think so, go for their very foundation. What authority did they hear such a thing from? On what basis can they make such bold statements about the unknown?
Sometimes, you’ll get a quick result. At the same time, there are some people that take seriously invested time. You must work to build trust and depth forming a friendship before you can approach them head on. When you’re more of a friend, they’ll be more willing to hear what you have to say.
Being young creates a unique challenge, because many people think you’re just a kid without any real wisdom.
1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

Subtlety is powerful. When Jesus shines through you, you begin to shine like a city on a hill. (Matthew 5:14). Your example can break down your witnessing ability or set you up for it. Don’t allow yourself to appear hypocritical to those watching you.
Let’s clearly define what your job is all about. Your workplace has been given to you so you can make a difference for the kingdom of God. If you’re not serving God where you are, then you’re not where He wants you to be. That might be with your walk, where you’re working, or who you’re keeping company with.
My dad uses his work as a witnessing platform.
Don’t be intimidated and think, “Okay, I’m going to go and witness.” Your attitude should not be that you’re carrying out an obligation, but having meaningful conversation because you truly care and desire to see your friend saved.
Speak to them about where they think they’ll go when they die.
Ask them what assurance they have for going to heaven.
Share about your own assurance.
Be sure that you convey the true salvation message during conversation. Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to suffer an eternal death.
Finally, we have been charged with the task of preaching the gospel.

But we also need to follow up and build up. Evangelizing is great, but you’re not carrying out the full mission unless you make disciples out of the new believers.
Matthew 28:19 19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations
Always remember, that it is not only the words we say or the actions we make, but God who moves the hearts of men. You are His chosen method, but He is not limited to you. In other words, do not become discouraged because God is in control.
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