So, you want to sign up for the persecution huh? Okay. First, imagine yourself as a child. Now, imagine Jesus knocking at a door. You’re standing on the inside and you open the door. Jesus walks in. This is taking place inside your heart. When you were a child, it was easy to show your open emotion. If you’re an adult male, it may be difficult to lower your walls and imagine running into the arms of a man, so imagine that you’re a little child, running into the arms of your heavenly father. Now, you must understand that you are not and never will be able to save yourself. No one else can save you either. “No man comes to the Father but by me,” Jesus said. I’m not picking on you by the way. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Everybody falls under the same desperate situation. Now that you know, admit your sin to God. Now believe that Jesus died on the cross and spilled his blood, taking the weight of the sins of the whole human race on his shoulders. He put an end to the debt on the cross two thousand years ago. Believe that he rose from the dead, conquering death for you and me. Our Savior lives. Now, choose to place your trust in him and live for him. You are now a believer in Jesus Christ and are saved from eternal death in hell. You’re in his arms now and you never have to leave. That was easy, huh? Okay, I’m saved. Now What?
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