Monday, January 28, 2008


Cyndi: Communion has been a baffling concept for me for about two years now. I try so hard to look at it from every possible light. I try to think of it as a shower, the act of refocusing diffused light, and many other analogies. Unfortunately, I typically arrive at the same conclusion no matter how many different analogies pop into my head: it is a ritual.
This isn't necessarilly bad, I suppose. It's an act of obedience, and it somewhat reminds of baptism. But baptism seems more practical to me. Communion is supposed to be very personal, and very meaningful. I don't disagree with the fact that periodically, we all need a reminder. We all need that point that gets us back on track, right where we belong. However, my problem is this: communion is often associated with a return to a right life, and right living. If a person is headed astray, then communion may perhaps remind him of where he belongs, but if he is not ready to return, but communion arises, he may partake and feign a return, but it won't be lasting. This seems pointless to me. A person will return when they are ready. I realize it is a point of self-examination, and I think this is good, and that everyone should examine their lives regularly. I just feel that the "body and blood" idea is very much a ritual. Don't many come to Christianity from other faiths to escape such ritualism?
Any thoughts? This has been bothering me for a long time now.

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