Thursday, October 02, 2008

Welcome to the Blessed X

Hey there to all who stop by. Today I'd like to welcome Christian Turner especially since I just talked with him tonight about the website. No longer does exist, so this blog is the only location now. That means that the forum is gone, the merchandise is gone, and the newsletter sign up is gone.

This was pretty inevitable. The site was neglected for some time and finally went bust. The blog it was based around (here) lives on, however, and that was really the core of the site anyway. Now, you all can enjoy the offerings in the simple blog form. I actually think it's better.

For Christian, I've included a link that should take you to the post on Daniel 9. Like I said, I don't really touch on the end times stuff, but I do get into the mathematics of the 493 weeks. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Daniel's Seventy Weeks

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