Monday, April 11, 2005

Q: What evidence is there for the infallibility of scripture?

Steve's A: What grounds do we have to say that the Bible, though written by way of man, was actually written by God and is therefore infallible?
Steve’s A: The infallibility of scripture is reinforced through the following verses:

2 Peter 1:20-21
20But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation,
21for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

But, the writers could have written that by their own will in order to gain more credibility for their writing. Isn’t that at least a possibility?

No. It is obvious, by looking at the tremendous amount of accuracy of prophetic writings, that the accounts are obvious acts of God. To gain the amount of accuracy that the Gospels had there had to be one coherent author and that was God. Each Gospel did carry with it its own details, but no inconsistencies are found between them. The consistency and flow is not just uninterrupted between the three Gospels, but throughout the entire Bible. Its message remains directed, focused, and continuous. It is the story of the redemption of man.

Each detail included in the Bible is significant. It is living and dynamic, causing the reader to continually render meaning from it. This is why a person can read the same verse twice and receive different application from each time.

The Bible has stood the test of time, the test of prophetic fulfillment, and the test of archeological findings. It remains free of contradiction, above all other religions for its truth, and the right choice through the millennia.


Darla said...

I believe the Bible was written by men inspired directly by God and that is something of faith for me. The Bible says it and I believe it.
So, I am wondering how you all feel about how to go about obtaining faith. I want to hear how you go about growing your faith and if faith is just something that God blesses you with or you must search out.

Idhrendur said...

That would definately be a great discussion.

Steve said...

I promise an answer, if not answers soon.

Darla said...

Hey, Idrendur, what are your thoughts on faith?

bite me said...

very interesting....

Anonymous said...

You are justifying the infallibility of scripture with...scripture.