Friday, April 15, 2005

There's Something To Christianity

What is it about Christianity? I just bought a new truck on Wednesday and we sat down to fill out the paperwork with a brother in Christ. His name is John. I was struck by his enthusiasm and love for God. He spoke about Him with tremendous excitement and it was easy to see that he was quite familiar with the Holy Spirit in him.

This started me thinking. I go to work every day, come home, might go to church or hold a Bible study, and almost always read a little of the Bible. I attend church regularly, I pray very often, and I meditate on the things of God almost all the time. These are all good things, but I noticed my attitude through much of my day had its high points and low points. I can become discouraged about some things, automatically worry about problems, and sometimes speak using poorly chosen words.

Sometimes, I don't wake up looking forward to my day. I unenthusiastically go through the motions, I commonly allow for autopilot at work, and often just try to make it by. I don't work my hardest. I don't do my best. Have you recognized my problem yet?

When I talk to somebody at work about Jesus Christ, about the word, or about the purposes of life, I get very excited. My mind begins to come to life, my mouth becomes a tool for God, and my heart fills with... The word is "joy". Why don't I feel so great all the time?

I have learned through living my life these twenty-two years, that all it takes to be happy, wherever you are, is the right attitude. I just remain happy, refuse to focus on the bad of a situation or situations, and navigate into a carefree mindset. I roll with the punches, enjoy the good days, and bring all the good I can find to the forefront of my thoughts.

I write this knowing that I can write for hours on end and that you, the reader, may never grasp my own personal revelation, but I leave that to the Holy Spirit.

My original question was, "What is it about Christianity?" When a non-Christian person sees a Christian, what do they see? Do they see what appears to be just another person, or do they notice a city on a hill? A Christian can be seen both ways, but it might be a problem to be seen as just another person.

You see, as a Christian, we have a peace that transcends all understanding. We have joy that is always with us. A Christian can go through complete and utter turmoil. A Christian can endure what, to most, would be hopelessness. A Christian can lose his family, his friends, and all he owns. But a Christian will keep his joy despite it all.

How can a Christian keep joyful when he has nobody in his life? How can a Christian smile, though he lacks his health? Why does a Christian try, when there's nothing left to try for?

The Christian has Jesus.

It is our peace that transcends that keeps us going. It is our hope of eternal life. It is our encouragement of seeing our Savior. Our path is narrow and less traveled, but its end is the greatest reward anyone could have.

The trick is finding that joy when you feel wronged at work by your boss. The challenge is keeping a smile when you face the same thing you face each and every day. The identity is that of letting your joy shine in the areas of your life that you would otherwise lack joy.

Try waking up and looking forward to your day. Go to work and do your best. Continue doing your best. Work as unto God. Look to be an example in Christ.

Don't be a lukewarm Christian anywhere in your life. Grab onto and hold tight to God's joy. Be encouraged by Jesus' faithfulness to you. Pick yourself up quickly each time you fall. Never lose your joy, because having that joy is to embrace God.


M said...

You have a lot of faith in God, and it's great! I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and can bear witness to you that there are additional teachings of Jesus Christ found in the writings of those that traveled from the bible lands to the americas. This is what the Book of Mormon is. It's very incredible that we live in a time when the world is preparing for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

MICHAEL said...

I want to know what kind of truck did you buy!?

Darla said...

Joy is such an amazingly difficult thing to try to find and hold onto on our own. God's joy is forever, ain't it great!

Steve said...

4 x 4 4d Ranger

Darla said...

I think I've determined that faith is a very, very small seed and that depending on what you go through in life and how you deal with it will either make that seed grow and grow or wither and blow away...

Leah said...

Thanks for the encouraging post. It's good to know I am not the only one who struggles with keeping a joyful attitude at all times!