Sunday, April 10, 2005

Prayer of Change

Lord, my prayer tonight would be that my heart would be open. I desire to know my dull edges. I don’t want to be stubborn and unchanging. It is not in our born again nature to cease to change. I always want to be better and never to accept that I simply can’t defeat my short comings. I will not reject the correction I receive, nor will I become content with myself. I have to keep moving forward, working on my temper, working on my moments of bitterness, and working on my very thoughts. These are not my traits; they are my anchors and my chains. I can break free with your help. I can become a better man, but I know that becoming a better man is to never stop trying to move toward you. Change me O God. Make me more like you.


Idhrendur said...


Here's some (hopefully) wisdom from me based on that though. Go further than to say that these aren't your traits. They aren't you at all. Paul always seemed to draw a big distinction between himself and the sinful nature/flesh. I think we far to often fail to do the same.

"More of you and less of me." If by me I mean the sinful nature, then yeah. But I shouldn't think of that as me at all. That'll drag me down. I prefer, "All of e covered by all of you."

I hope I made sense...(and I'm open to correction if I happen to be wrong).

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